In the Lund Lab we strive to build an interdisciplinary and dynamic scientific community that works collaboratively to reveal the multiple ways in which lymphatic vessels contribute to skin immunity in health and disease with enthusiasm, integrity, and without bias.

β€œIn the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” - Charles Darwin

Scientific Integrity: We maintain the highest professional values and practices when conducting and reporting our scientific activities to ensure objectivity, clarity, and reproducibility, free from bias.

PI Access and Opportunities for Feedback: I meet weekly with all new members of my lab and may adjust frequency as trainees mature. I am always available if not in person then by email/Slack/text to troubleshoot, advise, and discuss data.

Written and Oral Communication: Communication, both oral and written, is one of the most important skills scientists develop to support dissemination of results and career advancement. Postdocs and students will be required to write their own manuscripts, submit independent fellowships and present their work at national and international meetings. I work one on one with all trainees to improve their writing and oral presentations and also encourage trainees to take advantage of institutional resources to build communication skills throughout their career.

Work Environment: We respect one another and focus on building eachother up. Everyone has different levels of efficiency and experience. Also, each individual person goes through phases of more and less intense work based on deadlines and commitments. Productivity is always valued over the number of hours worked.

Publishing: Our professional currency is publication. Therefore, our goal is to move projects towards publication efficiently to both contribute to the growing knowledge in the field but also to support trainee career goals. We will submit manuscripts to bioRxiv concurrent with journal submission.

Collaborations: We have a wide range of expertise and experience. I hope to foster an environment in which everyone can freely discuss and learn from each other while also driving their own individual projects. We are always open to collaborations and encourage innovative thinking that brings in new tools and perspectives to our research.

Career Development: I will always strive to make sure you are aware of as many opportunities as possible to help you develop into a stronger and more well-connected scientist. These opportunities include writing grants, writing review articles, speaking at conferences, participating in training courses, going to career development seminars, mentoring less experienced trainees etc.